Shop For a Cause: April is Autism Awareness Month
April is Autism Awareness Month and Flag & Anthem is proud to announce that we will be donating a percentage of sales every day this month toward autism initiatives and programs that specialize in meeting the developmental needs and behavioral challenges of children and young adults on the spectrum and their families.
We have also designed an exclusive Autism Awareness 2022 Charity Tee and will be distributing 100% of the proceeds to designated regional, non-profit organizations that enrich the lives of children and adults with autism through educational programs and life-enhancing opportunities.
1 in 44 children in the United States is diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder. Yet, due to cost barriers and limited local resources, many find it difficult to get the help that they need to act quickly and effectively, which is why Flag & Anthem is dedicated to helping all those affected.
Stay tuned throughout the month for more ways you can help us achieve our goal of helping individuals with autism reach their full potential, and make sure you're following us on social media where we will be sharing personal stories and supporting solutions for individuals across the spectrum and their families affected by autism.